About us

We are your local contact for the conveying, sorting, buffering and processing systems of Ferag. In addition to the solutions for the graphical industry and the innovative systems for an optimum internal material flow, we also distribute packaging machines and palletizing systems from well-known other suppliers. We are your trusted partner from planning, installation, commissioning and training through to follow-up of the entire project. Together with you, our project engineers look for the best solutions. They are familiar with the most diverse industries. Clear project coordination, professional engineering and educated installation and service technicians lead to success. We guarantee unparalleled product quality. The success of our accomplishments is the result of our permanent concern to meet the stringent demands of our customers in the area of technology, quality and price.

Close proximity to the customer is essential to successfully sell products and solutions. With 18 of our own sales and service companies, we are represented in more than 50 countries worldwide, bridging not only geographical but also cultural distances. Market access through trusting relationships is the foundation of our long-term orientation.

Ferag Ibérica SA
Parque Empresarial San Fernando
Av. de Castilla, 2 - Edificio Italia 
E-28830 San Fernando de Henares
Phone +34 91 138 89 12
